We are currently involved in several projects in Indonesia. The origin of our association goes back to the work of Willie Smits, who has been working for many years to save the orangutans and the Indonesian rainforest.
This map shows the different projects we support in Indonesia.
Sintang Orangutan Center
Sintang is one of the first projects we have supported. Together with Orangutan Outreach Nederland and Fans for Nature Austria we support the Sintang Orang Utan Center, which is run by the Kobus Foundation. About 2.5 hours away is the Dajak village Tembak. Here about 58 hectares of original rainforest are available for a reception station. Here confiscated orang-utans (and also other wild animals) receive healthcare and if possible prepared for a new life in freedom. In the future, a total of 20,000 ha of rainforest of the Dajaks will be declared a protected area.
In order to be up to date with the progress of the center and also with the individual orangutans, we receive regular reports from Sintang, which we gladly pass on to you in our newsletters.
Sumatran Orangutan Conservation Programme
Ian Singleton is a very dedicated orangutan protector on Sumatra. When 2 years ago the area of Tripa, with 300 wild orangutans in Aceh was highly endangered by fire and deforestation, he asked internationally for help. He actually managed to change the government so that Tripa could be preserved.
Centre for Orangutan Protection
COP is a purely Indonesian organization, led by Hardi Baktiantoro, who is very active in orangutan protection. They rescue endangered animals from oil palm plantations all over Kalimantan, take
active action against environmental destroyers and report illegal deforestation and other incidents.
They also organise many public protests in Jakarta and take care of zoo animals to improve their housing conditions.
Cikananga Wildlife Center
In 2001, the Cikananga Wildlife Center (formerly Cikananga Wild Animal Rescue Center) was founded in western Java. This officially recognized sanctuary for confiscated and threatened animals in Indonesia has set itself the task of protecting some of the endangered species of Java from extinction. The second largest station of its kind in the world since 2005 has already housed numerous highly endangered animals over the years and, under suitable conditions, has reintroduced many of them into their natural habitats.
Jakarta Animal Aid Network
The Jakarta Animal Aid Network was founded by the Dutch Femke den Haas. Jaan is mainly concerned with stray dogs and cats, but also with plumploris and dance macaques who had to perform their art
in ridiculous costumes in Jakarta. Femke managed to ban this cruelty to animals completely in Jakarta. She thus saved many macaques. In addition, the organization is strongly involved in the
protection of dolphins, orangutans and turtles.
In 2016, Orang Utan Help Lëtzebuerg co-financed the construction of a hatchery for turtle eggs, and since then has financed the rangers who are patrolling the beaches night after night. An
education centre for schoolchildren is also under construction, most of it financed by us.
Tasikoki Wildlife Rescue Center
We also support a wildlife sanctuary in Tasikoki (North Sulawesi, Indonesia). This sanctuary is part of the Masarang Foundation, which was founded by Dr. Willie Smits. Their goal is to protect the forests of North Sulawesi. Since North Sulawesi is considered the centre of international wildlife smuggling, education and awareness raising, as well as the creation of alternative sources of income, is an important factor for the protection of the orangutans and the rainforest. The sustainably produced palm sugar can be purchased from our shop. In this way you directly support the work of the Masarang Foundation.
Meratus and Tanjung Soke
"Meratus Mountain shall not die." Here Willie Smits released the first orangutans 20 years ago. It is located in the east of Borneo. The research station of that time is still in good condition.
From here three rangers will guard the area with the released orang-utans.
In Tanjung Soke, a village ineastern Kalimantan, we are primarily committed to the Dajak people. They are the best forest protectors. Through the support of the locals we can preserve the
rainforest and thus also the orangutans. Therefore we participated in the construction of a hospital and the training of a nurse. In the future it will provide basic medical care. Thus the
villagers can concentrate on the preservation of their habitat rainforest, which forms their basis of life. Mulyani has now successfully completed her training in August 2014. She will do an
internship with a doctor in a similar village and then return to her village to run the infirmary. We support these projects together with our partners.
Kontaktieren sie uns/ How to contact us:
GSM: +352 621668349
Mail: orangutanlux@gmail.com
R.C.S. Luxembourg F 8. 029