
Updates about our partners, reports about our travels, important news about orang-utans and other species, important updates about palm oil and deforestation - in this category you will find everything worth knowing about all important topics concerning the rainforest, the different endangered species, as well as political decisions about palm oil. To receive regular updates, you can also subscribe to our Newsletter.


Invitation to our General Assembly

We cordially invite you to attend our annual general meeting. It will take place on March 1st at 3:00 PM at the "Haus vun der Natur" (5, route de Luxembourg, L-1899 Kockelscheuer).



  1. Welcome by the President
  2. Annual Report 2024
  3. Financial Report 2024
  4. Approval of accounts by the auditors
  5. Discharge of the treasurer
  6. Discharge of the auditors
  7. Discharge of the board
  8. Election of the new board
  9. Election of the auditors for 2025
  10. Open discussion over coffee and cake


Review of our 2020 accounts by the auditors

november sale: 50% on our t-shirts!

A thank you letter from our friend and partner Willie smits for our support for tasikoki and soc

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Explanation by our Board member Laurent Devalet on pandemics and the impact of deforestation on them


Due to Covid-19, most of the events in the first half of the year are cancelled throughout the country. This has a significant impact on our finances, as we only have your donations available to support our partners during this time, and unfortunately at a time when we are receiving urgent calls for help from our partner projects.

Due to travel restrictions and the fear of falling ill far away from home, our partners can no longer rely on international volunteers to manage the work in the centres. This work, e.g. feeding the animals and enrichment, but also cleaning the enclosures and medical care, must now be carried out by additional professional staff who have to be paid extra. The volunteers were also an important support for the stations with their financial contributions. These incomes are now lacking and the rescue stations now have difficulties to pay their staff. As the other supporters worldwide currently have hardly any stands either and therefore receive fewer donations, the financial shortage is becoming even tighter.

We have recently supported the Sintang Orangutan Center, the Tasikoki Wildlife Center, the Wanicare Foundation as well as Borneo Orangutan Survival with a total of 8.500€ after urgent calls for help.

Since we already supported the Sintang Orangutan Center and BOS Mawas with a total of 11.335€ in January of this year, this is unfortunately also our last nest egg. We are dependent on your help! As the crisis threatens to last for several months, further support will be necessary. In order to guarantee the continued existence of the stations, we are therefore more than ever dependent on your support.

Newsletter 03/2020

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Easter Greatings From Sintang

Radio interview with Claude Schiltz

On 4 March our secretary was invited to the radio programme RTL Am Gespreich. You can find the whole interview here:

Newspaper Interview Laurent Devalet

Impressions of our General Assembly

Ordinary general assembly 2020

We cordially invite all supporters to our annual General Assembly. It will take place on 20th February 2020 at 19 o'clock in the "Haus vun der Natur" at Kockelscheuer. Due to the lack of parking spaces we would ask you to use the parking "P+R Kockelscheier", or to use public transport (bus: line 18 stop Kockelscheuer Patinoire, or line 200, stop Kraizhaff).


  1. Welcome by the President
  2. Annual report 2019
  3. Cash report 2019
  4. Acceptance of the accounts by the cash auditors
  5. Relief of the treasurer
  6.  Relief for the auditors
  7. Discharge of the Executive Board
  8. Farewell to members of the Executive Board
  9. Election of the new executive committee
  10. Election of cash auditors 2020
  11. Cheque presentation
  12. Planned activities 2020
  13. Projects 2020
  14. Free pronunciation during a cosy drink

We would be very pleased to welcome you this evening.

Projection of the Movie "Pets 2"

On Sunday, June 30 2019, the veterinarian Dr Lemaire from Esch invites his customers to a private screening of the film Pets 2 in French at the Kinepolis Belval. Tickets are available for 8€ in the cabinet of the veterinarian. All proceeds from ticket sales will be used integrally for our projects. Many thanks to Dr Lemaire and his team for this great gesture :)



Conference "Combattre à la fois le dérèglement climatique et les inégalités, C'Est possible et souhaitable"

Together with etika, ASTM, ATTAC Luxembourg, Caritas luxembourg, CELL, Cercle des ONG Luxembourg, Eurosolar Lëtzeburerg asbl, Frères des Hommes Luxembourg, Greenpeace Luxembourg, Mouvement écologique, SOS FAIM Luxembourg, we cordially invite you to the conference "Combattre à la fois le dérèglement climatique et les inégalités, c'est possible et souhaitable ! It will take place on Wednesday, June 26, 2019 in the Rheinsheim Room at Altrimenti, 5, avenue Marie-Thérèse in Luxembourg. The conference will be held in French.
The conference will be held in the presence of Lucas Chancel. The latter is an economist specialising in inequalities and the environment. He is also the author of the book "Insoutenables inégalités. Pour une justice sociale et environnementale", which will also be available after the conference.
For organisational reasons, we would ask you to register by 24 June by sending an email to, indicating the number of participants and the number of people attending the meal.

End the Cage Age

Orang Utan Help Lëtzebuerg supports this Europe-wide initiative to abolish the caging of "farm animals" throughout Europe.
We are convinced that no animal should be kept in such a confined space in such an agonizing way! If you also do NOT agree with this caging, please sign this petition to put an end to this torture! Thanks a lot!





Easter shopping - information booth in front of the shop Lush

Easter is just around the corner - and Orang Utan Help Lëtzebuerg is this Saturday in Luxembourg City in the Grousgaass in front of  LUSH Luxembourg from 10-18:00 😎

So do your Easter shopping and come and see us, we have great Easter gifts on offer ;) Come and inform yourselves and help us to help the orangutans 🤗
For those who can't come by, but are still interested in our products, please email us at

And ALWAYS remember: Always have a look at the list of ingredients of the food and if it says "Palm", please put it back - especially when it comes to Easter ... The rainforest and its inhabitants say thank you!



Ordinary general assembly 2019

We cordially invite all supporters to our annual General Assembly. It will take place on 26 February 2019 at 19h30 in the "Haus vun der Natur" at Kockelscheuer. Due to the lack of parking spaces we would ask you to use the parking "P+R Kockelscheier", or to use public transport (bus: line 18 stop Kockelscheuer Patinoire, or line 200, stop Kraizhaff).


  • Welcome and opening of the General Assembly
  • Annual Report 2018
  • Financial Report 2018
  • Acceptance by the cash auditors
  • Relief of the treasurer
  • Election of the Board of Directors
  • Election of new cash auditors
  • Handing over of cheques
  • Planned activities 2019
  • Travel report
  • Free discussion around a drink

We would be very pleased to welcome you this evening.

Out of quarantine, into the socialization camp

There is finally news about our youngest protégé, little Hope. After a felt eternity, her laboratory results have arrived and the suspicion of tuberculosis has not been confirmed. The little one is healthy all around and was finally allowed to leave the quarantine station. A few days ago she was allowed to move to the socialization enclosure, where she will spend the next months or rather years. Here the little one is pepped up and gets to know other fellow sufferers from whom she can hopefully learn. In several months she will hopefully be able to go to the new nursery where she can be prepared for a life in freedom.
We are so happy for little Hope
Of course we will keep you informed about her progress! Thank you for your perseverance and support!

Mistake in our calendar

We were horrified to discover that our calendar contained an error. In the month of December, unfortunately, 2 days were skipped, namely the 16th and 17th of December.

If you want to exchange your calendar for a corrected one, you can of course do so. In this case we ask you to contact us until 28 February by email to our address

We ask you to excuse this mishap.

Donation from Patisserie Hoffmann

Patisserie Hoffmann has decided to support us with a donation of one Euro for every king's cake sold.

In addition to the traditional king's cake with almond cream, they also offer a  cake with apples as well as e version containing their homemade Hoffnella, a delicious homemade hazelnut cream without palm oil.

We would like to thank Patisserie Hoffmann for their support.


Newsletter OUHL 10_2018 .pdf
Document Adobe Acrobat 213.6 KB
Newsletter 12_17.pdf
Document Adobe Acrobat 461.4 KB
Newsletter OUHL 09_2017.pdf
Document Adobe Acrobat 669.2 KB

Other documents

Stellungnahme unseres Sekretärs zum Moratorium auf Palmöl
Moratorium auf Palmöl-Lizenzen.pdf
Document Adobe Acrobat 82.1 KB